Learn Fusion Dance!

Please complete this survey if you are interested in exploring more fusion!

The Deep Dive 

Sundays: Feb 2nd & Feb 9th,  3-5pm @ The Brooklyn Lair

Arielle & Brendan’s weekly open workshops. Material will include multi-channel connection, artistry of movement, musicality, balance, weight-sharing, and more. 
Comfortable indoor dance shoes or socks and stretchy clothing recommended (as well as extra shirts and deodorant!). 

No street shoes on the beautiful sprung studio floor, please. 

Suggested Donation $20

Fusion Freakender: Special Deep Dive & Dancer Care

SATURDAY Feb 15th,  2-5pm @ The Brooklyn Lair

Guest artist Nadine Mann, dancer/licensed massage therapist/kinesiologist, will  help us to optimize our body-mind awareness to get in the zone, and Arielle & Brendan will present various dance techniques from micro to macro to help you acquire the most options at any dance! 

Sliding Scale $15-35

Fusion Dance Intensive Workshop Series 

Looking for NEW intensive classes level-up your skills and artistry? Let us know! 

Follow us on FB / IG @ThePearlingPrinciple for details and updates! 

Join our WhatsApp chat group, text 646-600-8614 or email collective@pearling.org for the The Bk Lair address, as well as any additional questions.

Join us in Boston on Saturday, March 1st for an extended workshop preceding Eclipse Fusion social.

Arielle & Brendan will be teaching for their second year at Motley Hue Fusion
March 7-9, 2024  -  Register now at the link above!

We are please to return to Boston's Antumbra Weekend to teach 2 days of workshops Jun 7-8th!

Stay tuned for location and other details.

Individual Study

Private solo and group lessons are also available upon request.


Text 646.600.8614 or email info@pearling.org 

Follow us on Facebook
for the latest events and updates


Hot Night Fusion - Denver  9/2024

Many thanks to the fabulous cohort who brought their skills and open minds to our multi-partnering  exploration Beyond the Binary Workshop with our beloved Pearling Collective fellow Kelly Epstein! Thanks to all our participants for taking it out on the dance floor all weekend.

Antumbra - Boston, 9/2024
What an incredible long weekender, where we were honored to teach the lesson and DJ for
Second Sun Rising, Boston's original fusion social.